    21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
                          ECCWS 2022(2022年6月17日)
        Collaborative Design Method for Safety and Security Engineers
          ECCWS22予稿集原稿(pdf 8ページ)   
          自動運転車いす動画(mp4 2分) 橋本がアキレス腱を切った際に使用
        つながることの価値を活かすSafety and Security by Designのアプローチ
          橋本講演スライド(pdf 28ページ)   
テキストpdf(pptx 76ページ)    
動画(mp4 49分)
    計測自動制御学会 SICEプロセス新塾-考究2020
          テキストpdf(pptx 76ページ)  
動画(mp4 105分)    
    第69回VEC協賛セミナー (2020年9月18日)
        セキュリティからみた制御の将来 pptx24ページ
    第5章 電気系統や回転機器,駆動装置の動作異常よる事故の発生原因とその対策
        第6節 プラント制御システムのセキュリティ対策 12ページ
    SIP 重要インフラ等におけるサイバーセキュリティの確保
    3-4 組織のインシデント対応能力向上をめざす人材育成プログラム
    スライド     要旨
Cyber Incident Exercise Admitting Inter-Organization for Critical Infrastructure Companies, Akihiro
Tsuchiya, Yuitaka Ota, Yuma Takayama, Tomomi Aoyama, Takashi Hamaguchi, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, and
Ichiro Koshijima, 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, pp.1645-1650 (2018.07)
Development of the Cyber Exercise for Critical Infrastructures Focusing on Inter-Organization
Communication, Hidekazu Hirai, Yuma Takayama, Tomomi Aoyama, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Ichiro Koshijima,
13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, pp.1669-1674 (2018.07)
An application of STAMP to safety and cyber security for ICS,
Shun Kondo, Hiroto Sakashita, Souta Sato, Takashi Hamaguchi, Yoshihiro Hashimoto,
13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, pp.2335-2340 (2018.07)
- On the Complexity of Cybersecurity Exercises Proportional to Preparedness, Tomomi Aoyama,
Toshihiko Nakano, Ichiro Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto and Kenji Watanabe, Journal of
Disaster Research, Vol.12, No.5, pp.1081-1090,(2017-07)
- 制御系ネットワークのセキュリティ対策立案のアプローチ, 孫 晶, 高木ひとみ, 伊藤一
馬, 越島一郎, 橋本芳宏, 横幹連合会誌「横幹」, Vol.10, No.2, pp.107-115 (2016-10)
- ICS セキュリティ対策の立案手法, 孫晶, 高木ひとみ, 越島一郎, 橋本芳宏, 日本設備管理
学会誌, Vo.28, No.3 (2016-10)
- Zoning Management of Secured Industrial Control System, Wataru Machii, Akihiro Tsuchiya,
Tomomi Aoyama, Takashi Hamaguchi, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Ichiro Koshijima,, The 7th
International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes (PSE ASIA
2016) B131, pp.1-6 (2016-07)
- Developing ICS Security Training for Resilient Cyber Incident Management, Tomomi Aoyama,
Kenji Watanabe, Ichiro Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Proceedings of the 7th International
Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, P101,(2016-07)
- Generation of Fault Trees for ICS Safety and Security, H.Moritani, T.Yamamoto, S.Yamamoto,
K.Ito, J.Sun, T.Hamaguchi, I.Koshijima, Y.Hashimoto, Proceedings of the 7th International
Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, P102,(2016-07)
- Design Approach of ICS Security Systems, J.Sun, H.Takagi, K.Ito, H.Moritani, T.Hamaguchi,
I.Koshijima, Y.Hashimoto, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Design,
Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, P103,(2016-07)
- A Hot-Backup System for Backup and Restore of ICS to Recover from Cyber-Attacks, Shinya
Yamamoto, Takashi Hamaguchi, Sun Jing, Ichiro Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Advances
in Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing 492, pp.45-53 (2016-07) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41935-0_5
- Strategic Security Protection for Industrial Control System, H. Takagi, T. Morita, M. Matta, H.
Moritani, T. Hamaguchi, S. Jing, I. Koshijima, Y. Hashimoto, SICE Annual Conference, pp.1215-1221 (2015)
- Industrial Control System Monitoring Based on Communication Profile, Masafumi Matta,
Masato Koike, Wataru Machii, Tomomi Aoyama, Hidemasa Naruoka, Ichiro Koshijima,
Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.48, No. 8,pp.609-618 (2015-08)
- ICS Honeypot System (CamouflageNet) Based on Attacker's Human Factors, Hidemasa
Naruoka, , Masafumi Matsuta, Wataru Machii, Tomomi Aoyama, Masahito Koike, Ichiro
Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol.3, pp,1074-1081
(2015-07) doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.175
- Dynamic Zoning Based on Situational Activities for ICS Security, Wataru Machii, Isao
Kato, Masahito Koike, Masafumi Matta, Tomomi Aoyama, Hidemasa Naruoka, Ichiro
Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, the 10th Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASCC 2015), pp.1242-1246 (2015-05)
- プラント制御システムのセキュリティ対策,
- 制御系システムのセキュリティ向上のための動的ゾーニング、情報通信システムセ
キュリティ研究会, 東北学院大学 多賀城キャンパス, 待井 航, 青山友美, 越島一郎, 橋本
芳宏, 信学技報, Vol.114(340), pp.7-12 (2014-11)
- Development of CAD for Zone Dividing of Process Control Networks to Improve Cyber
Security, H. Moritani, S. Yogo, T. Morita, M. Kojima, K. Watanabe, J. Sun, I. Koshijima, Y.
Hashimoto, ICCAS 2014, Oct. 22-25, Korea (2014-10)
- プロセス制御系のサイバーセキュリティ対策の立案と評価, 橋本芳宏, 越島一郎, ヒ
ューマンファクターズ,Vol.19(1), pp.18-25 (2014-08)
- Industrial Control System Monitoring based on Communication Profile, Masafumi Matta,
Masato Koike, Wataru Machii, Tomomi Aoyama, Hidemasa Naruoka, Ichiro Koshijima,
Yoshihiro Hashimoto, The 5th World Conference of Safety of Oil and Gas Industry, Okayama,
Japan, Paper No. 1092435, (2014-06)
- Dynamic Zoning of the Industrial Control
System for Security Improvement, Wataru Machii, Tomomi Aoyama, Ichiro Koshijima,
Yoshihiro Hashimoto, The 5th World Conference of Safety of Oil and Gas Industry, Okayama,
Japan, Paper No. 1065756 (2014-06)
- Framework for Life Cycle Security and Safety for Critical Infrastructures, Tomomi Aoyama,
Ichiro Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, The 5th World Conference of Safety of Oil and Gas
Industry, Paper No. 1092680 (2014-06)
- Detection of Cyber-Attacks with Zone Dividing and PCA, T. Morita, S. Yogo, M. Koike, T.
Hamaguchi, S. Jing, I. Koshijima, Y. Hashimoto, 17th International Conference in Knowledge
Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems,Vol.22, pp.727-736
- A Unified Framework for Safety and Security Assessment in Critical Infrastructures, T.
Aoyama, M. Koike, I. Koshijima, Y. Hashimoto, Proc. of Safety and Security Engineering V,
pp.67-77 (2013)
- Safety Securing Approach against Cyber-Attacks for Process Control System, Y. Hashimoto,
T. Toyoshima, S. Yogo, M. Koike, T. Hamaguchi, S. Jing, I. Koshijima, Computers and
Chemical Engineering, Vol.57, pp.181-186 (2013)
- Conceptual Framework for Security Hazard Management in Critical Infrastructures,
Y. Hashimoto, T. Toyoshima, S. Yogo, M. Koike, S. Jing, I. Koshijima,
The 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, CDROM (2012)
- サイバーテロを想定した場合のリスク解析と対策の構築,
豊嶌剛史, 孫晶, 越島一郎, 橋本芳宏,
J. of Human Factors in Japan, Vol.15, No.2, pp.4-9 (2011)
- サイバーセキュリティを考慮したプラントの安全設計,
与語修一, 豊嶋剛史, 孫晶, 越島一郎, 橋本芳宏,
化学工学会秋季大会 (2011)
- Abnormal situation correction based on controller reconfiguration,
T. Hamaguchi, Y. Hashimoto, T. Itoh, A. Yoneya, Y. Togari,
Journal of Process Control, , Vol.13, No.2, pp.169-175 (2003)